Code of Conduct

Welcome to Lonin League - a non-profit community of volunteers.

This Code applies to all members of Lonin as well as visitors and first-time participants. Any violations of the Code should be reported to the coach in charge of that session first and/or to a member of the Board (check our website to see our leadership team). Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct expectations will lead to consequences from feedback and cautions, limits on participation, up to a permanent ban.

All forms of harassment, discrimination against minorities, and bullying are unacceptable at Lonin. We appreciate a diverse membership and are willing to ban/expel participants who, by their words or behavior, do not.


We must be aware of how our behavior affects others and their own study and practice.

  • Show respect or appropriate camaraderie in how you address your training partners and coaches

  • Avoid swearing or foul language in the youth class, and limit it where it becomes distracting to others

  • Maintain our training space by following the security requirements of our lease and avoid risking the property

  • Return Lonin equipment to its proper place once you are finished with it. Leave the Lonin space looking as orderly or more so than when you found it. Do not use club gear inappropriately or borrow it without permission

  • Pay attention to your coach/practice leader during class. Your practice in the class is at their discretion. Interrupting or talking over them is distracting both to them and to others.

  • Assume others already have a list of skills they are working on. Receiving a mix of suggestions from people who aren’t their coach (or the most experienced practitioners) is often more confusing and irritating than helpful. But be considerate if asked for help. During your turn you can always be exemplary in how well you perform techniques.

  • Many practices run back-to-back or concurrently. At the end of practice, promptly clear the floor and do not distract other classes. If warming up for the next practice, stay off the floor unless the current practice is complete.  


Practicing martial arts can involve aggressive physical contact using weapons - fists, swords, spears, etc. Everyone is responsible for their own safety and being careful of their training partners.

  • Stay off the floor unless you are participating and have signed the appropriate waivers and agreed to this Code.

  • Wear appropriate protective gear. If you are unsure, ask a coach before participating in a class activity.

  • Maintain awareness of and communication with your training partner. Do not abruptly stop a drill without warning

  • Use the level of contact your partner or coach requires. Preference for a lower level of contact should be clearly communicated to your partner before, and can be updated during, a drill. Do not escalate contact levels beyond that reasonably expected by your partner in that drill.

  • Inform your coach and training partners of any medical conditions or injuries that could affect your safety.  Remind them if they ask you to do something that puts you at risk. You are the final arbiter of your own safety and can always choose to watch and not participate in a drill.

  • Stop what you are doing if you hear GEAR or HALT and take a step back. Remain ready to block any late blow.

  • Shout GEAR when you experience a gear malfunction during a drill, tournament, or while sparring.

  • Shout HALT when you observe two people engaged in activity who are at risk of injuring themselves or others or damaging the space or equipment.

  • Be aware of the position of your weapon or weapon simulator at all times (e.g. point your sword tip at the ground or straight upwards when walking around, standing, and/or listening to a coach).

  • Our space can get crowded. Be aware of your proximity to other participants and spectators at all times.


Lonin is a group of people who train together and organize for the benefit of our membership and the greater historical martial arts community. We expect participants to treat practices and events as opportunities for development of their own skills and understanding.

  • Attend classes, workshops, and events on time, and communicate with the coach when that is not possible.

  • Contribute your monthly membership dues. Payment options can be set up on Questions about dues and other payments should be addressed to the club treasurer or registrar (see website).

  • Take responsibility for your own development as a fighter/martial artist/scholar/. Actively participate during classes. Think about what you are training and why. There are options to find something to study and teach if there’s no existing group. Other coaches are great mentors if you’re interested in this.

  • Be patient with your partners and yourself. The arts we practice can be challenging, especially as a beginner. Show up, train hard, and stay positive. You will improve!

  • Help your training partners achieve their goals. Do not distract them. Communicate with them about what you need to train successfully.

  • Well-meant encouragement is always appreciated

  • While you are expected to take part in all the activities in a class, you may always sit out. You may leave, take a break while observing from the visitors’ area or practice at the sidelines. In all cases, you must avoid disrupting the activity of the other class participants.

  • Everyone has opinions on social media. Avoid making public statements about Lonin’s policies unless you have checked it with a Board member first

Look for and ask about ways to contribute - Lonin always has a project or event in the works!