Lonin Groups
Monday & Wednesday
Studying Fiore de Liberi’s Flower of Battle. Low impact, but hard work. Mask, gloves and gorget for foam or nylon swords recommended.
Tuesday & Thursday
Liechtenauer’s Kunst des Fechtens. Covering German longsword, dussack/messer, polearms, and wrestling. Beginner’s welcome.
Get going on Sunday mornings with vigorous sword and buckler dueling following the obscure, yet surprisingly effective advice of a priest written down in a 700 year old manuscript.
6:30-8:00pm + Indian Clubs Workout
The backsword is a powerful, single-handed, cut-and-thrust weapon dating to the late medieval period.
Wednesday 6:00pm-9:00pm
Sunday 11:00am-2:00pm
The 1595 Club is a martial arts school dedicated to the practice and study of swordplay and the martial art of fencing.