Lonin League
Lonin is accepting new students! Proof of vaccination is required, please email info@lonin.org! Mask usage will be mandated on a per-session basis by the respective coach or coaches.
Classes Are Open
What Is Lonin?
Lonin League is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization devoted to the study and practice of Historical Martial Arts. The group has been operating in Seattle since 2004. Our club now hosts the annual Swordsquatch event, which brings together people from around the world, with the motto “Fight. Play. Learn.” Most of what is practiced at Lonin belongs within the realm of HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), based on documents that date back as far as the early 14th century, but some of our practice groups study martial arts from the Philippines, Japan, India, and Africa. Our classes are organized and coached by volunteers, and are held 7 days a week at our 6th and Lander location.
Contact info@lonin.org to set up your first visit!